
Fun and Games

Origami fly

If you follow these simple instructions we'll teach you how to make an origami fly, all you need is a sheet of paper. Once you've made your fly why not colour it in?


  1. Take a square sheet of paper (20 x 20cm). If you need to cut up a sheet of A4 then make sure you get an adult to help.
  2. Once you've got your square sheet of paper fold it in half to form a triangle as shown:
    An illustration of how to fold the paper in half to form a triangle
  3. Take your triangle and fold in the bottom corners to form a diamond shape as shown below:
    An illustration of how to fold your triangle into a diamond
  4. Now fold the top points of the diamond downwards:
    An illustration of how to fold the top points of the diamond downwards
  5. Fold the top of the diamond downwards:
    An illustration of how to fold the top point of the diamond downwards
  6. Fold the remaining point at the top of the diamond downwards as shown:
    An illustration of how to fold the remaining top point of the diamond downwards
  7. Fold the edges of your fly's wings round behind the main body:
    An illustration of how to fold the edges of your fly's wings round behind the main body
  8. After completing step 7 the underside of your completed fly should look like this:
    An illustration of the underside of the completed fly
  9. The top of your completed fly should look like this.
    An illustration of the top of the completed fly

To make your flies more attractive why not colour them in or make them out of some old wrapping paper?