
Special Springtime Moths and Butterflies

29 April 2014 20:00 - 02 May 2014 14:00

Location: Alston Hall, Longridge, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 3BP, UK.

Event description

This fascinating residential course on Lepidoptera will be introduced with coloured slides to illustrate the diversity of springtime species found in Lancashire.  Outdoor activities include a study of butterflies and moths in the grounds of Alston Hall.  There will be a visit to a coastal habitat to study the nationally scarce Belted Beauty and to Beetham and Witherslack Woods to study the equally scarce Barred Tooth-striped.  Don't worry if you are new to this as help on identification and classification will be given by the tutor.

Organisation details

This event was not organised by the AES. Please contact the event organiser if you have any queries.

Event organiser: Alston Hall

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