
An introduction to leafhoppers and allied groups 2015

24 January 2015 10:30 - 16:00

Location: Dinton Pastures Country Park, Davis Street, Hurst, Berkshire, RG10 0TH, UK.

Event description

Alan Stewart (Sussex) and Tristan Bantock (London). An intermediate-level workshop on the identification of leafhoppers, planthoppers, froghoppers and treehoppers (Auchenorrhyncha). The workshop will be mainly for people who have had some experience in recording this group of insects. We will start with a short presentation to help with some of the more challenging diagnostic characters used to identify these insects, after which participants will be able to work through their own material or specimens made available on the day and have their identifications verified. There will be plenty of opportunities for discussion of general issues relating to the study and recording of these insects. For further information on these groups see:

Organisation details

This event was not organised by the AES. Please contact the event organiser if you have any queries.

Event organiser: British Entomological and Natural History Society

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