

Bee-flies are a Family of flies (Bombyliidae) that have stout, furry bodies. Most species of bee-fly have a long, thin proboscis extending in front of the body. Bee-flies are true flies (Order: Diptera) and belong in the suborder Brachycera but their furry appearance makes them look a little like bumblebees and this is how they get their name. Bee-flies are harmless.

Adult bee-flies feed on nectar and use their long proboscis to sip nectar from flowering plants whilst hovering in front of the flower - rather like a humming bird. Bee-flies are very agile and often hover near flowers before darting quickly away and then returning to hover again.

Most species of bee-fly are parasites on the nests of solitary bees (for example, Andrena sp.). The adult bee-fly hovers above the entrance hole to the nest and drops eggs into the nest. The bee-fly larvae eat the pollen food stores and the grubs of the solitary bee.

A photograph of the bee-fly (_Bombylius major_)

A photograph of the bee-fly Bombylius major.

Other names for (or types of) Bee-fly include:

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