
The Michael Majerus Grant

A photograph of Professor Mike Majerus

Professor Mike Majerus, President of the AES 2005-2009.

The grant is named after Professor Mike Majerus, President of the AES 2005-2009.

The aim of this grant is to encourage active involvement in entomology by a new generation of entomologists. The grant supports new projects which aim to advance amateur entomological study, research or education. It is anticipated that in most cases these projects will be based in the British Isles, and projects involving the promotion of entomology amongst the young will be viewed particularly favourably.

For a project to be eligible for the Grant, it must represent new activities: money will not normally be awarded for costs already incurred. Members of the AES including trustees and their families are eligible to apply, provided that in the latter case the project is not in any way related to their work as trustees of the Society.


Applications, which must be in writing, will be accepted at any time of the year and will normally be considered by the AES Grants Panel and recommendations made to the AES Council at the quarterly meeting immediately following receipt of the application. Applications should be sent to our postal address and must include your contact details.

Application form PDF 129K

Applicants will be offered part, all or none of the amount requested, or a suitable alternative award, as appropriate. Awards may be conditional on, for example, the submission of a report on the project for which the grant is awarded; any conditions will be determined by Council in each individual case.

The AES Council's decision will be final and will normally be notified to the applicant within two weeks of the meeting at which the application is considered. Payment of the award will be made at the earliest suitable opportunity, subject to any conditions that Council may stipulate.

Initial funding of this Grant is with money donated in memory of Mike Majerus. As with all AES funds, public donations, directly or via legacies, are always welcome. Individuals and organisations wishing to donate to the Michael Majerus Fund are invited to contact the Treasurer of the Society in the first instance.

AES Treasurer
PO Box 8774