
Copyright statement

Unless indicated to the contrary, all materials on this Web site and our online shop (including design, text, graphics, photographs, video and audio footage) are the copyright of the Amateur Entomologists' Society (AES) or are used under a non-exclusive agreement with the copyright holder. Where we refer to trademarks, logos and names these are the property of their respective owners, as indicated.

Information on linking to the AES Web site is provided below.

You are permitted to access, download and print pages from the Web site on a temporary basis for the sole purpose of viewing them for non-commercial, personal or educational purposes. To request written permission to use the materials for any prohibited purpose (i.e. any purpose other than the exceptions outlined above) please contact us. Please note that the AES is not obliged to give you any such permission nor to give any explanation for a refusal.

In addition, documents available in the Members' only area must not be distributed to non-members. Accessing these reprints/documents is only possible by providing current log-in credentials (available to current members of the society only). It is a breach of copyright conditions to access this area if you are not a member of the society or to provide copies of documents within this section to non-members.

Linking to the AES Web site

You are automatically granted permission to create an unlimited number of links to content within the AES Web site, this includes deep linking (i.e. linking directly to an internal page bypassing the home page). Please ensure that your link accurately describes the content being linked to. However, whilst the AES makes every effort not to break URLs some site reorganisation is occasionally required, the AES therefore reserves the right to change page titles and/or URIs at any time without prior notification and can not be held responsible for any loss or damage arising as a result.

Other than the AES news and events feeds (which may be given a 'look and feel' appropriate to your Web site) the AES does not permit the framing or inlining of any of its content (except by search engines), each page must be displayed in full. An explanation of framing and inlining is available from NOLO.

How to link to us

To make it easier for Webmasters to link to the AES we've provided the following HTML snippets for you to copy and paste into your Web site.

Linking to the AES

If you would like to link to our site please feel free to use the following code:

<a href="">The Amateur Entomologists' Society - gateway to entomology</a>

If you would like to link to use a graphic with your link please download our logo (Gif, 2.4K) and upload it to your Web server rather than linking directly to the image here. If you do use our logo please make sure you use descriptive alt text, such as:

alt="The Amateur Entomologists' Society - gateway to entomology"

Linking to the Bug Club

If you would like to link to the Bug Club site please feel free to use the following code:

<a href="">The Bug Club for young entomologists</a>

If you would like to link to use a graphic with your link please download the Bug Club logo (Gif, 2.1K) and upload it to your Web server rather than linking directly to the image here. If you do use our logo please make sure you use descriptive alt text, such as:

alt="The Bug Club for young entomologists"

Links to Third Party Sites

This site contains links to sites operated by parties other than the Amateur Entomologists' Society. Such sites are not under the control of the AES and the AES is not responsible for their content or any links they may contain. The inclusion of any link on a page on the AES Web site does not imply any endorsement of the material on such sites or any association with the operators of such sites. Neither the AES nor its trustees, council members, society members or agents will be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with such sites.

If you would like the AES to link to your site please submit it for inclusion in our links directory. Your site must be of interest to entomologists or people interested in wider aspects of natural history.


This site is provided on an 'as is' basis without making any warranties or representations of any kind with respect to this site or its contents and the AES disclaims all such representations or warranties. In addition the AES makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy or completeness of the information contained on this site. These disclaimers do not exclude the AES's liability for matters which may not be excluded under any applicable national law. Neither the AES nor its trustees, council members, society members or agents will be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this site. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss or damage to property and claims of third parties.

This Web site and its contents contain intellectual property copyright materials and works belonging to the AES and third parties (from whom the AES has made all reasonable efforts to obtain full consent to publish their works and materials on the Web site). All text and images on this Web site are protected by internationally recognised laws of copyright and intellectual property. Your right to access, use, print and download from the AES Web site is subject to your strict compliance with the terms and conditions set out in this document.

Please also see our conditions of use for this Web site.