Further information
There are three national entomological societies in the UK. These publish journals and handbooks, and hold both indoor and field meetings and exhibitions. Many of their meetings are open to all.
The Amateur Entomologists' Society (AES). We are the premier membership organisation for the diverse range of amateur entomologists in the UK, with membership also from overseas. The AES is in many respects the gateway into entomology in the UK. Join the AES today.
The AES is affiliated to:
The Royal Entomological Society (RES), a learned society based in Saint Albans, near London. RES members and Fellows include professionals and knowledgeable amateurs. The RES has an extensive entomological library, publishes a suite of entomological journals and handbooks and organises annual and monthly scientific meetings. Web site: http://www.royensoc.co.uk
The British Entomological and Natural History Society (BENHS) is geared to knowledgeable amateurs and has its own rooms in Reading, where members have access to a small but useful entomological library, insect collections and scientific equipment such as microscopes. Web site: http://www.benhs.org.uk
Other, more specialised societies are described in the insect orders section of this Web site.
Entomological exhibitions
Entomological exhibitions are an excellent way to meet entomologists and to get fired up about entomology! Details of upcoming entomological exhibition are given in our events listings.
The AES holds an Annual Exhibition and Trade Fair at Kempton Park during the autumn every year.
Other exhibitions in the UK include:
- The Newark Insect Fair, Nottinghamshire, normally held in December
- The ELG Spring Fair in Pattishall, Northamptonshire, in May
- The Kettering Insect Show held in Northamptonshire, in April.
Public libraries often have some excellent insect books, and can arrange for items they do not hold themselves to be obtained on loan from other libraries.
Many university libraries are open to the public for more scientific books and journals, and some have specialised entomological collections - for example, the Hope Entomological Collection at Oxford University. The Natural History Museum has an unparalleled reference only library, currently located in Wandsworth.
Web sites
The Web has revolutionised access to information for most areas of life, and entomology is no exception. This Web site is an excellent place to start finding links to any aspect of entomology.
Apart from our own books and leaflets, the following are a selection of general books that provide an introduction to entomology.
Field guides
Collins Field Guide: Insects of Britain and Northern Europe
by Michael Chinery.
3rd Edition, 1993
The Insects: An Outline of Entomology
by P.J.Gullan, P.S.Cranston and K. Hansen
McInnes. Third Edition, 2005. Blackwell
General introductions
Life in the Undergrowth
by David Attenborough
BBC Books, 2005
The New Encyclopaedia of Insects and their Allies
by Christopher O'Toole
Oxford University Press 2002
A large book with many pictures.
Nick Baker's Bug Book
The Wildlife trusts, 2002
A great introduction for children, with many projects.