
Glossary terms beginning with F

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the hexagonal face on the ommatidia within a compound eye.
Read more on: Facet
False eye
cf. Eyespot - markings on an insect, usually the wings, that have a similar appearance to a mammalian eye. Commonly used to scare off potential predators.
False scorpion
cf. Pseudoscorpion - a small arachnid that superficially resembles true scorpions but does not possess a sting.
one of the seven taxonomic ranks used to classify living organisms. Family comes after Order and before Genus.
Read more on: Family
hollow, pointed structures attached to the chelicerae of spiders that are used to deliver venom. Centipedes also possess fangs but these are different in structure.
Read more on: Fang
the number of eggs or offspring produced by an animal.
Read more on: Fecundity
cf. Antenna - paired sensory organs on the head of insects.
Feigning death
cf. Thanatosis - the behaviour of feigning death, usually to deceive a predator.
Female reproductive
cf. Queen - the reproductive female within a colony of social insects.
part of the insect leg between trochanter and tibia.
Read more on: Femur
a term used to describe thin, thread-like antennae.
Read more on: Filiform
cf. Thysanura - the Thysanura (or three-pronged bristletails) are an Order of insects. They are wingless and possess three filaments at the end of the abdomen.
cf. Lampyridae - a family of beetles, also known as glow-worms, and most notable for their ability to emit light.
cf. Megaloptera - the Order Megaloptera are primitive insects. The Order contains about 300 species. Insects in the Order are known by a variety of names including Alderflies, Dobsonflies and Fishflies.
cf. Siphonaptera - the Siphonaptera (or fleas) are an Order of insects. Fleas are well-known parasites on vertebrate animals including humans.
cf. Diptera - the Diptera/true flies are an Order of insects. Characteristically they have one pair of wings, the hind wings being reduced to balance organs called halteres.
Flying ant day
the colloquial name given to the day when winged ants emerge from their colonies and go on their nuptial flight.
Read more on: Flying ant day
Food plant
the type of plant eaten by a particular species.
Read more on: Food plant
Forensic entomology
the use of a knowledge of entomology in the investigation of criminal activity.
Read more on: Forensic entomology
the Formicidae/Ants are a family of insects within the Order Hymenoptera. They form colonies with many flightless workers and a reproductive queen.
Read more on: Formicidae
a phrase used to describe the legs of some insects and other invertebrates that are modified for digging.
Read more on: Fossorial
an area in the compound eye that provides greater visual acuity than the rest of the eye.
Read more on: Fovea
the droppings of insect larvae.
Read more on: Frass
a row of bristles used to connect the fore and hind wings in some insects.
Read more on: Frenulum
the springing organ of Collembola.
Read more on: Furcula

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