Glossary terms beginning with H
- Habitat
- an area with specific environmental conditions in which an organism lives and reproduces.
Read more on: Habitat - Haemocoel
- the blood filled body cavity of many invertebrates.
Read more on: Haemocoel - Haemolymph
- insect blood.
Read more on: Haemolymph - Haltere
- a modified wing that is reduced to form a 'drum stick' shaped balance organ.
Read more on: Haltere - Hamuli
- cf. Frenulum - a row of bristles used to connect the fore and hind wings in some insects.
- Hand lens
- a small device used by an entomologist to make it easier to see features of insects or other invertebrates.
Read more on: Hand lens - Hanging fly
- cf. Mecoptera - the Mecoptera (or Scorpionflies) are an Order of insects containing around 300 species worldwide.
- Harvest mite
- mites within the Family Trombiculidae. The larvae of these mites, called Chiggers, are parasitic and can cause considerable irritation and swelling.
Read more on: Harvest mite - Harvestman
- cf. Opiliones - eight-legged invertebrates within the Class Arachnida.
- Head
- the anterior most of the three main body parts of an insect.
Read more on: Head - Heath trap
- cf. Moth trap - a device used to attract and capture moths which can then be studied.
- Hemimetabalous
- cf. Incomplete metamorphosis - a type of metamorphosis in which an insect hatches from an egg and then goes through several similar nymphal stages before reaching adulthood.
- Hemiptera
- the Hemiptera/true bugs are an Order of insects including the aphids and shieldbugs.
Read more on: Hemiptera - Herbivore
- herbivores are animals whose diet is primarily composed of plant matter.
Read more on: Herbivore - Hercules beetle
- cf. Rhinoceros beetle - a subfamily of Scarab beetles. Rhinoceros beetles are some of the largest of the beetles. The males have characteristic horns.
- Hermaphrodite
- a hermaphrodite is an organism possessing both male and female sexual organs.
Read more on: Hermaphrodite - Het bug
- cf. Heteroptera - a suborder of the true bugs (Order Hemiptera). Adult Heteroptera have fore wings divided into two distinct regions.
- Heteroptera
- a suborder of the true bugs (Order Hemiptera). Adult Heteroptera have fore wings divided into two distinct regions.
Read more on: Heteroptera - Hibernation
- a period of winter dormancy.
Read more on: Hibernation - Hide beetle
- cf. Dermestidae - a family of beetles often known as carpet beetles or larder beetles.
- Holometabalous
- cf. Complete metamorphosis - a type of metamorphosis in which an insect goes through four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa, imago.
- Holotype
- cf. Type specimen - a specimen that acts as the name bearer for a species.
- Homoptera
- originally a suborder of the true bugs (Order Hemiptera). However, recent analysis has reclassified the insects within the Homoptera and it should no longer be used as a name for suborder of the Hemiptera.
Read more on: Homoptera - Honey
- a substance derived from nectar and is the main source of energy for bees.
Read more on: Honey - Honey bee
- the Honey bee is one of the most important and easily recognisable insects.
Read more on: Honey bee - Honeydew
- a sugary solution excreted by aphids.
Read more on: Honeydew - Hormone
- chemicals produced within the body that control metabolic processes.
Read more on: Hormone - Horseshoe crab
- cf. Xiphosura - an Order of marine chelicerates that include the Horseshoe crabs.
- Host
- an organism being attacked by a parasite or a parasitoid.
Read more on: Host - Hydrostatic skeleton
- a type of exoskeleton supported by fluid pressure.
Read more on: Hydrostatic skeleton - Hymenoptera
- the Order of insects containing the bees, ants and wasps.
Read more on: Hymenoptera - Hypogaeic
- cf. Hypogeic - the name given to an organism living underground.
- Hypogeal
- cf. Hypogeic - the name given to an organism living underground.
- Hypogeic
- the name given to an organism living underground.
Read more on: Hypogeic
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