An apiary is the location where the hives of honey bees are kept. An apiary can contain many hives and these are sometimes, especially in Europe, stacked on top of each other in terraces.
Apiaries are most commonly used for the production of honey rather than providing specific pollination services for a crop. However, increasingly farmers are providing fixed locations for hives on their land.
A beekeeper wearing a protective veil inspects hives in an apiary. The wooden frames supporting the honecombs can also be seen. Photograph by Migco.
Other names for (or types of) Apiary include:
- Bee yard
Related terms
- Africanised honey bees
- Apoidea
- Bee bread
- Beeswax
- Cerumen
- Colony Collapse Disorder
- Drone
- Eusocial
- Honey
- Honey bee
- Pollen basket
- Pollination
- Propolis
- Queen
- Queen cell
- Queen substance
- Varroa mite
- Worker
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