Insects in the Order Microcoryphia (also called Archaeognatha) are elongate, wingless with a pair of antennae. At the end of the abdomen they have two cerci and a central caudal filament.
This order of insects are superficially very similar in appearance to the Three-pronged bristletails and, originally, they were thought to be part of the same order. However, more recently they have been recognised as a different insect order within the Apterygota. The scientific name for the order - Microcoryphia - comes from the Greek micro (small) and coryphia (head) and they do have rather small heads in front of a large pronotum.
The Sea Bristletail (Petrobius maritimus) is a common species around the coast of Britain.
Other names for (or types of) Microcoryphia include:
- Archaeognatha
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