
Upgrade your membership

It is possible for existing members to top-up their membership. For example, if you are currently receiving the AES Bulletin you can top-up your membership so you can receive the Entomologist's Record too. All you need to do is pay the difference between your current membership class and the class you would like to change to. You can work out the difference between the two classes by looking at the list of membership rates.

There are two ways to pay the difference for the current subscription year:

  1. The easiest way to pay the difference is to do this online by making a donation to the society for the amount. Once you have made the donation, please contact us and provide us with your name, postal address and the new membership class you would like to top-up to.
  2. Alternatively you could send a cheque for the difference to the AES Registrar at the society's postal address. Please provide us with your name, postal address and the new membership class you would like to top-up to.

Once we have received your request to change your membership class we will make sure you receive the additional periodicals for the rest of the subscription year and send you any journals you may have missed.