December 2020 - The Bulletin

- Editorial
- Society Matters
- James McCulloch. Vane trapping: my first season with a garden flight intercept trap
- Andrew I.R. Chick. Methods for examining entomological inclusions in amber
- Colin Hart. Rearing Blair's Mocha Cyclophora puppillaria (Lep.: Geometridae)
- Paul Waring & Dee Shore. Moths and butterflies in Sri Lanka, with some other wildlife observations
- David Keen. Letter from Spain - 50th in a series - an introduction to the Coleoptera encountered near my Spanish home. Part 4 - the Tenebrionidae, Drilidae, Meloidae and Cebrionidae
- Letters - John E. Cooper. Black Beauty Stick Insects Peruphasma schultei
- Letters - David Keen. The September 2020 Bulletin, an update on mantids, wasps, bees, butterflies, and other news
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