The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation

The cover of the May/June 2012 issue of The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation.
The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation is a journal founded by the famous Lepidopterist J.W.Tutt in 1892 and published without a break ever since. It contains both peer reviewed articles and Notes, including some regular definitive reviews, such as the annual review of microlepidoptera new to Britain and the annual review of migrant Lepidoptera. Another regular column is the light hearted but informative 'Hazards of Butterfly Collecting' series by Torben Larsen. Further details of the Journal may be found at its own Web site:
For many years the journal was exclusively concerned with Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), but in recent years the scope has widened to include other British insect groups.
The content of the journal ranges widely from descriptions of species new to science or taxa new to Britain, through to short notes on interesting observations that ought to be placed on record for others to access, or accounts of entomological trips. We aim to balance the "science" with "lay-interest" and hope that as a result the contents are readable, but also stand up to scientific scrutiny.
The Entomologist's Record and the AES
The Entomologist's Record became an AES publication in 2009. AES members can include the Entomologist's Record among their membership options, in the same way as they choose to receive the Bulletin or the Bug Club Magazine.
As an additional benefit, new or renewing subscribers to the Entomologist's Record (including institutional subscribers) will automatically become members of the AES, so that they will receive not only the Entomologist's Record but other AES member benefits as well, including the periodicals Invertebrate Conservation News and the email newsletter.
All members and subscribers can further benefit from a discounted subscription rate if they choose to take more than one membership journal or magazine. Please see the AES subscription rates or our online shop.
Further details on the Entomologist's Record can be found on the journal's own Web site: