
Invertebrate Conservation News Author guidelines

Producing four issues a year means we are always on the lookout for more articles relating to conservation of invertebrates and their habitats. Although this publication is produced by the AES, articles from non-members are always welcome.

What topic should I write about?

You can write about anything related to the conservation of invertebrates, or their habitats, from Britain or abroad.

The following topics are always popular with readers:

Should I include illustrations?

Illustrations rarely appear in Invertebrate Conservation News, but suitable black and white photos can be included, though please bear in mind the following points:

How should I write the insect names?

Invertebrate Conservation News tries to use the current scientific name for each species. If you are unsure what this is, the editor may be able to help. If you submit an article that uses a name that has been superseded, the editor may change to the newer name. Insects should, where possible, be referred to by their binomial (generic and specific name). The author is preferred, but not essential. English names in regular use can also be included.


The length of articles and notes is not fixed and may have any length from a single short paragraph to several pages. Technical terms and abbreviations should generally be avoided but when this is not possible they must be explained within the article (either when first mentioned or in a glossary at the end).

Manuscripts should preferably be submitted electronically either by e-mail (, floppy disk or CD using either rich text or Microsoft Word document format. Paper manuscripts should be printed double-spaced, single sided on A4 paper, with wide margins. Short handwritten items can also be accepted.


By submitting articles for publication in Invertebrate Conservation News the author(s) consent to the submitted content being published and made available to members of the society via the journal and in publicly accessible collections held by organisations, such as public libraries, academic institutions and online via the Biodiversity Heritage Library, now and in the future. The society may also make electronic copies of articles available to entomologists/researchers on request if time/resources permit.

If you are interested in placing an advert in Invertebrate Conservation News we have published our advertising rates.