
Entomologist's Record to be published by the AES from 2009

Published: 10 October 2008

The Amateur Entomologists' Society is pleased to announce that the Entomologist's Record will in future be published by the AES, effective 1st January 2009.

The Entomologist's Record is published every other month, alternating with the AES Bulletin, so that the AES will now publish a high quality entomological journal every month of the year.

The Entomologist's Record is a non-profit journal founded by the famous Lepidopterist J.W. Tutt in 1892 and published without a break ever since. It contains both peer reviewed articles and Notes, including some regular definitive reviews, such as the annual review of microlepidoptera new to Britain and the annual review of migrant Lepidoptera. Another regular column is the light hearted but informative 'Hazards of Butterfly Collecting' series by Torben Larsen. Further details of the Journal may be found at its own website (

Under the aegis of the AES, the high standards and independent peer reviewed elements of the Journal will be retained, and there are plans to introduce certain improvements to the content and layout over time.

From the 2009 membership year, AES Members will be able to include the Entomologist's Record among their membership options if they so wish, in the same way as they currently choose to receive the Bulletin or the Bug Club Magazine.

As an additional benefit, new or renewing subscribers to the Entomologist's Record (including institutional subscribers) will automatically become members of the AES, so that they will receive not only the Entomologist's Record but AES member benefits also, including the periodicals Invertebrate Conservation News and the Wants & Exchanges List.

All members and subscribers can further benefit from a discounted subscription rate if they choose to take more than one membership journal or magazine. Please see our online shop for further information on family or combined membership.

The AES is pleased to be able to support the long and proud tradition of the Entomologist's Record and, in doing so, to further our overriding aim to promote and disseminate entomological knowledge by every means possible.

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