
Moths by Moonlight

15 May 2009 18:45 - 22:00

Location: Museum in the Park, Stratford Park, Stroud, Gloucestershire GL5 4AF. UK

Event description

Part of Stroud District Council's 'museums at night' programme, this event will be held at the museum in the park, where AES Member Mike McCrea will run a mercury vapour trap and carry out some 'sugaring'.

View the old collections of moths and butterflies from Stroud museum, which hold original specimens of Large Blue caught in the Cotswolds during the 1940s and 50s.

Refreshments available, and an opportunity to walk around the park museum free of charge. Stratford Park is a beautiful site with an arboretum, lake and ancient woodland.

The AES is not involved with the organisation of this event but will be attending.

Organisation details

This event was not organised by the AES. Please contact the event organiser if you have any queries.

Event organiser: Stroud District Council

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