
Selling Conservation: Learning Lessons From Selfridges

11 October 2011 18:00

Location: Zoological Society of London, Regents Park, London NW1 4RY, UK.

Event description

If conservation is truly important then why is it such a low priority for most people and bottom of the political agenda?  Is the conservation community failing in selling the conservation message to the general public? What will it take to make conservation fashionable, ultimately leading to changes in behaviour and a more sustainable relationship with our planet?

In 2011 the Zoological Society of London embarked on a conservation communication experiment with Selfridges, involving celebrities, scientists, royalty, youth-group leaders, parliamentarians, heads of state, leaders from the fishing industry, artists and fashion designers.  Events ran for over a month and ranged from political forums to live music to celebrity chef demonstrations to children's theatre.  We review this experiment, explore other social marketing initiatives and discuss novel approaches to engaging a broader audience in conservation.

Talks are free of charge and available to all - and no need to book in advance.

Organisation details

This event was not organised by the AES. Please contact the event organiser if you have any queries.

Event organiser: Zoological Society of London

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