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April 2009
Listed below are all the news items from April 2009. Please follow the links to read the full article.
- 02 April 2009
AES Members' Day details
AES Members' Day and AGM 2009 will take place on 18 April 2009 (12:00 - 16:30). The event will be held at the Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EJ. We... - 05 April 2009
Have you seen a Bee-fly?
April is a fantastic time of year to see bee-flies in Britain. These fascinating insects are 1cm - 2cm in length and have furry, stout bodies. A photograph of an adult Bee-fly Bombylius major.Ph... - 16 April 2009
Members' Day reminder
It is the AES Members' Day this Saturday (18th April 2009). We have a packed day of events and talks including the second annual Tesch Lecture which will be delivered by Dr Remy Ware and is entitled:... - 24 April 2009
Exciting new beetle publication
Entomologists will be interested in Beetle News; an exciting new publication for people interested in beetles. Beetle News is a free, online publication and less experienced amateurs are encouraged... - 27 April 2009
Butterfly Jungle opens this weekend
On Friday 1st May the Natural History Museum's Butterfly Jungle will open its doors for the first time. The exhibition will feature free-flying butterflies, live tarantulas, scorpions, an iguana,...