February 2004 - The Bulletin
- Editorial
- The Insects - now appearing at Glastonbury - Betts, C.
- A second Staffordshire Trichoptera record - Koryszko, J.
- Aberrations of the Small tortoiseshell - Brown, M.
- A preference for sugar - Koryszko, J.
- A possible historical specimen of the American Painted Lady (Vanessa virginiensis) - May, P.
- Late Large White Butterfly larvae - Koryszko, J.
- Chamomile Shark moth, Cucullia chamomillae, in Scotland - McCann, F.
- Migrating Monarchs - Simpson, M.
- Further notes on sugaring - Koryszko, J.
- Butterflies and Moths in 2002 - Simpson, M.
- Tragedy in a laboratory - Obscure and curious items of entomological literature, part 6 - Jones, R.A.
- Red Data List of Essex Orthoptera and Allied insects - Gardiner, T. & Harvey, P.
- In pursuit of the Field Cricket Gryllus campestris L. - Sutton, P.G.
- Insects in Florida, May and June 2001 - Cole, S.
- Book reviews
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