October 2005 - The Bulletin

- Editorial
- Isle of Wight - May 2004 - Steele, T.
- Reduviidae the Assassin Bugs - Lewis, K.C.
- Minotaur beetles Typhaeus typhoeus in Colchester, Essex - Fremlin, M.
- The Harlequin Ladybird arrives in Britain: A threat to our native species? - Ware, R.L., Majerus, M.E.N. Roy, H.E. & Symington, F.
- On metamorphosis - Lester, L.
- Hilltopping - Foggitt, G.T. & Powell, A.L.
- Further observations and behaviour of the Chamomile Chark in the UK - Koryszko, J.
- Records of Arhopalus rusticus Linnaeus 1758 in Norfolk and Suffolk. Part 3 - Lewis, K.C.
- Butterfly morning - Stewart, R.
- Northern Exhibition - Holford, N.
- The Geranium Bronze in Iberia - Keen, D.
- The spread of the Netted Pug in Staffordshire - Koryszko, J.
- Arnside Knott revisited - Sutton, P.G. & Browne, D.
- Book reviews
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