August 2006 - The Bulletin
- Editorial
- The Wants and Exchange Table at the Exhibition
- Treasurers Report for the Year Ending 31st December 2005
- The Ansorge Award
- The Bradford Award
- Harmonia axyridis Pallas in Hertfordshire - Hodges, D.
- Glowin' in the rain - Gardiner, T.
- A very early Flounced Chestnut - Koryszko, J.
- Old Notes: A tool-using Wasp and other Insects in Indian Sal Forest - Cole, S.
- Collecting Centipedes and Millipedes - Holford, N.
- South facing walls - profitable for larvae hunting - Koryszko, J.
- Inter-specific hybrid mating by female Acraea sotikensis due to lack of males? - Majerus, M., Hassan, S. & Hanell, Y.
- Where are all the Welsh Fleas (Siphonaptera)? - George, R.
- Evolution of size - Lester, L.
- A most interesting observation - Koryszko, J.
- Roadtrip 2004 - Steele, R.
- Records of Arthopalus rusticus Linnaeus 1758 in the British and other Museums also records for East and West Sussex Part 4 - Lewis, K.
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