October 2008 - The Bulletin
- Editorial
- The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation
- Letter from Spain - 6th in a series - Finding dead insects - Keen, D.
- A passion for Moon Moths - Baxter, R.
- Observations of the bee Andrena fulva (Andrenidae) the Tawny Mining Bee (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) - Lewis, K.C.
- Some notes on butterflies seen in my Banbury, Oxfordshire, garden - Keen, D.
- Scalloped Oak (Crocallis elinguaria L.) in Germiston, Glasgow - McCann, F.
- Butterflies on the island of Hvar, Croatia, June 2008 - Withrington, D.
- Observations of Bombus bees on Caenothus shrubs after heavy rain - Koryszko, J.
- Machronychus quadrituberculatus Muller 1806 (Elmidae) - Lewis, K.C.
- Favourite haunts of Old Lady Moths (Mormo maura L.) - Koryszko, J.
- A horticultural moth trap - Fray, A.
- Hunting for Dytiscus - Sutton, P.G.
- Altitudinal limits of insects on Snowdon - Gardiner, T. & Gardiner, M.
- Book review: Atlas of Seed and Leaf beetles of Britain and Ireland compiled by Michael L. Cox
- Book review: Aphids on deciduous trees by Tony Dixon and Thomas Thieme
- Book review: Nature Boy in the Flower Fields by Joe Firmin
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