December 2012 - The Bulletin
- Editorial
- Society Matters
- Exhibition Report - Jarvis, W.
- An unusual note concerning Rhyssa peruasoria Hym., Ichneumonidae - Weir, J.C.
- An abundance of Jersey Tiger, Euplagia quadripunctaria (Lep.: Arctiidae) in 2012 - Steele, T.
- Can caterpillars count? - the Grey Dagger, Acronicta psi (Lep.: Noctuidae) - Probert, M.
- A week on the Isle of Arran - Newnham, T.
- My summer of giants! - Betts, C.
- The Aldwych Vapourers - Probert, M.
- Letter from Spain - 17th in a series - British Immigrant Lepidoptera found in Andalucia. Part 1 - Introduction and the Butterflies - Keen, D.
- Browns can be beautiful - Woolmer, J.
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