June 2015 - The Bulletin
- Editorial
- Society Matters, Annual Members' Day
- Annual Report to Members, Notice of AGM 2015, and Accounts for 2014
- The parasitoids of Coleophora serratella - Parkinson, D.
- Some records from a fine September - Partridge, R.
- An early Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta in Surrey - Hart, C.
- Letter from Spain - 29th in a series - Spanish winter butterflies, 2013-15, Part 1 - Keen, D.
- Collecting hoverflies (Dip.: Syrphidae) in a Welsh garden for a DNA barcoding project - Westmoreland, D. & Lucas A.,
- Kieren Pitts, Digitising AES journals - Pitts, K.
- Iridescence: exploring the colours of some butterflies and beetles - Part 2 Corrigendum - Tilley, R. J. D.
- A trip to the Santuario de Otun Nature Reserve, Columbia in 2014 - Holland, D.
- The New Forest: are its insects in decline? A few finds in 2014 - Brock, P. D.
- Letter: Glow-worms - you don't have to put on the green light - Gardiner, T. & Epworth, M.
- Letter: Protecting entomological collections in the absence of p-DCB - Weir, J. C.
- Letter: 1, 4-dichlorobenzene - Jewess, P.
- Letter: Migrant butterflies and moths abundant in southern Spain - Keen, D.
- Letter: Some benefits of publishing in the Bulletin - Partridge, R.
- Book review: Fauna Iberica, Volume 37 - Papilionoidea (Keen, D.)
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