September 2016 - The Bulletin
- Editorial
- Society Matters
- Forthcoming Events
- Bug Club meeting at Dinton Pastures, 18th June
- Gatton Country Fair, 3rd July
- Knepp Estate, 24th July - McCulloch, J.
- Malling Down nature reserve, Lewes, East Sussex, 6th July - Lewis, D.
- Insect behaviour: head burying in Sisyphus schaefferi and walking backward in Pyrrhocoris apterus - Probert, M.
- Two water bugs and many memories - Partridge, R.
- The second Afrotropical Lepidoptera Congress and Workshop, Uganda, October 2014 - Waring, P.
- Letter from Spain - 33rd in a series - notes on some of the insects to be found in the Algarve, Portugal in October - Keen, D.
- Letters
- Book Review: Beetle, Lewis, D.
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