Benefits of Membership
One question to consider when thinking of joining a particular Society or other such group is 'what benefits do I get from being a member?'. We aim to highlight the benefits of joining the AES below:
- You will receive a high-quality journal applicable to your membership type, each full of articles on insects. The AES publishes four journals, namely
- The Bulletin - published four times a year.
- The Entomologist's Record - published bi-monthly.
- The Bug Club Magazine - published bi-monthly.
- Invertebrate Conservation News - included with the Bulletin and Entomologist's Record.
- At the Annual General Meeting talks and/or displays are given for members who attend. Previous venues have included London Zoo, The Natural History Museum, M-Shed in Bristol and Manchester Museum.
- A monthly email newsletter through which members can buy, sell and exchange items such as books, equipment and specimens.
- Members also receive substantial discounts on individual AES publications and also those of the Royal Entomological Society (RES)
- Help with identification of insects and invertebrates.
- The Bradford Award and The Ansorge Award are given to the best exhibits, from and adult and a junior member respectively, at our Annual Exhibition and Trade Fair, held in October each year.
- Access to the online archives for the Bulletin, Bug Club Magazine and Entomologist's Record via the members' area on this website and (in the case of the Entomologist's Record). Digital copies of Invertebrate Conservation News are made available to members shortly after publication but our other publications are made available via the members' areas several years after publication.
- Membership certificate (downloadable from the members' area)
- By being members, you are supporting the development of entomology and the encouragement of young people to engage with entomology and natural history.
- Free livestock, such as stick insects and giant land snails, when available.
- The Society is often consulted over invertebrate conservation matters, and these are reported through our journals. Your membership will enable the Society to continue in its efforts to press for further conservation measures for invertebrates.
- The AES is affiliated with the Royal Entomological Society and this allows members of The AES to have access to the RES library, probably the best Entomological library in the country, and also to attend RES meetings.
- Membership of the Society will no doubt enable you to find other entomologists with similar interests, thereby helping all of us to have an increased knowledge of entomological matters.
- Since 1939 the Society has produced not only our journals but also separate publications covering a wide range of entomological information. New publications are always in preparation and appear periodically, with members of the Society the first to hear about them.
- The Society represents the voice of amateurs at Invertebrate Link and makes sure our voice is heard by government and in relation to other invertebrate conservation issues. Membership is the best way to support this work and members also have the opportunity to input into the process.
- The Hammond Award is given yearly for the best article, written by a member, to appear in The Bulletin covering an aspect of British invertebrates.
- The AES also offers an incentive scheme whereby any member introducing a friend to the AES will receive a discount on their membership.
However, if you decide not to join our society you could always just make a donation to the work of the AES.